The Lagos State Police Command has successfully rescued the three Fouani brothers, who were abducted on June 14, 2024. The brothers, identified as Abbas Fouani, Youssef Fouani, and Amtal Fouani, were taken hostage around 6 PM while returning from their factory by boat.
The Fouani brothers, prominent figures in Fouani Nigeria Ltd, a company specializing in electronics and the sole distributor of LG, Hisense, and Maxi products in Nigeria, were abducted during their commute. The incident occurred as their boat was intercepted, causing immediate alarm and prompting a swift response from local law enforcement agencies.
After days of intensive efforts, the police, in collaboration with the Nigerian Navy, located and rescued the victims on the night of June 17, 2024. The operation took place in Orugbo Iddo, a remote area where the abductors had taken the hostages.
Benjamin Hundeyin, the spokesperson for the Lagos State Police Command, confirmed the successful rescue via a WhatsApp message. He credited the Lagos Marine Police and the Nigerian Navy for their crucial roles in the operation.
“They were rescued late last night in Orugbo Iddo. Our marine police, with the support of the Nigerian Navy, brought them to shore,” Hundeyin stated. “Thereafter, our tactical team in the area took them home to Banana Island in the early hours of today.”
In addition to the three brothers, the boat captain and his assistant were also rescued, bringing the total number of individuals saved to five.
READ ALSO: JUST IN: Kidnappers Abduct Fouani Company MD And Three Lebanese, Demand N2.2bn Ransom
The rescued individuals have been safely returned to their residence on Banana Island, Lagos. This successful operation has brought relief to the Fouani family and the broader community, demonstrating the effectiveness of coordinated efforts between the police and naval forces.
This incident underscores the persistent threat of kidnapping in Lagos and the critical need for robust security measures. The Lagos State Police Command’s swift and effective response highlights their commitment to combating such crimes and ensuring the safety of residents.
As the Fouani brothers and their crew members recover from this harrowing experience, the Lagos State Police Command continues to investigate the circumstances surrounding the abduction. The community remains hopeful that this successful rescue marks a significant step towards enhanced security and the prevention of future kidnappings.