In Bauchi metropolis, a philanthropist named Alhaji Yakubu Maishanu was distributing alms to the needy when a stampede occurred, leading to the death of four individuals. The incident took place at the AYM Shafa Holdings Office, where hundreds of people had gathered to collect the much-needed aid. The spokesperson of the Bauchi Police Command, SP Ahmed Wakil, confirmed the tragedy on Sunday and shared that the command received a distress call from the Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University Teaching Hospital (ATBUTH) regarding the victims being rushed there for medical assistance.
Acting quickly, the Commissioner of Police, Auwal Musa, directed the mobilization of personnel to the scene and joined the rescue operation. The police operatives cordoned off the area to prevent any further casualties and stopped the exercise. A medical doctor confirmed that four females had already lost their lives, while others were receiving treatment at the hospital.
In light of this devastating event, the police spokesman urged individuals and organizations involved in philanthropic and humanitarian services to report to the police and make adequate arrangements in their distribution exercises to prevent future occurrences.