A heartbreaking tragedy has struck Karkari village in Gwarzo Local Government Area of Kano State, where a widow and her five children have tragically died after consuming a local dish known as Danwake. The victims were confirmed dead at Gwarzo General Hospital after being rushed there in critical condition.
The Kano State Police Command has verified the incident, noting that the family had consumed the meal on Thursday. Initial investigations suggest that expired cassava flour was used in the preparation of the meal, which is suspected to be the cause of the fatalities.
SP Abdullahi Haruna, the Command’s Public Relations Officer, confirmed the deaths, stating, “The six family members who consumed the food were rushed to Gwarzo General Hospital, where doctors confirmed their deaths. We are awaiting a detailed medical report to determine the exact cause of death.”
The deceased have been identified as Alhakatu Abdulkarim, the widow who prepared the meal, and her five children: Bashir, Firdausi, Hafsat, Usman, and Jamilu. The tragic event has deeply shocked the local community, leaving neighbors and extended family members in mourning.
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Local resident Malam Musa Abdullahi expressed the community’s sorrow, stating, “This is a tremendous loss for all of us. Alhakatu was a dedicated woman who did everything she could to care for her children. It is inconceivable that such a tragedy could occur.”
Authorities continue to investigate the incident and have urged the public to exercise caution when preparing and consuming food, especially with ingredients that may be expired or unsafe. SP Abdullahi added, “We advise everyone to be extremely careful and ensure that the food they prepare is safe for consumption.”