“Marriage? This is good news nau! I can’t wait to inform the women’s fellowship in church and start buying asoebi.” Aunty Enitan chattered excitedly.
“This calls for celebration. You see, I told you he’s a responsible man. Better hold him tight, because young girls of these days are ready to snatch any serious man from an unserious lady.” She continued while dancing.
“Isn’t it too early? I’m just in my second year in school.” Rebecca scowled.
“What is too early? When you both started doing it, didn’t you know it was too early? You better legalize your fornication with Bamidele.”
“Me? I don’t know what you’re talking about ooh!……. Aunty.” She stuttered.
“You think I don’t know you and Bamidele have been sleeping with each other. It’s boldly written on your face, so you better do what is right now that he wants to do it.” She lowered her voice a bit.
“Ahhhh….When would you tell uncle then?” Rebecca asked, looking petrified. She was shocked to her bones.
“We will tell him tonight when he returns so you can give your husband feedback tomorrow. Congratulations in advance my darling.” Enitan said as she winked at Rebecca who still looked shocked.
“Start clearing the tables, we’ll close early today. I can’t wait to tell your uncle already.”
After Enitan broke the news to uncle Dayo, a formal date was fixed for the introduction after speaking with Bamidele.
Everyone was in high spirits on the D-day but Bamidele and his people never showed up. No calls or explanatory text messages were sent. Rebecca almost fainted. Uncle Dayo kept ranting on how Bamidele would pay a huge fine if he showed up eventually and Aunty Enitan lay cold on her bed like ice.
No one could explain the rage in Rebecca’s eyes when she went to Bamidele’s house weeks later to find out the reason for his misbehavior. Unfortunately, when she arrived at his house, it was locked. She opened the door with the spare key in her possession but the house looked like it hadn’t been occupied in weeks. She couldn’t stay there alone, so she returned back to school, wondering what happened to Bamidele and why he didn’t bother to inform her about his whereabouts.
Few months later, she got a text message from a foreign number and it turned out to be Bamidele. He apologized profusely for relocating to Canada by the instruction of his company on the morning of their introduction. He promised to come back for her.
“Arrant nonsense!” Enitan hissed when she read the message. “I can’t believe I vouched for an irresponsible person all these while. No explanation he gives can mend the damage he’s caused. Can you imagine? I’m glad you didn’t end up with such an unscrupulous entity.”
“Bami isn’t a person. That’s all I can say. I can’t believe he just left me without a single word. Someone who spoke with me on the phone for hours a night to our introduction.”
“It’s fine my dear, your own man will come soon. Just be hopeful.” Aunty Enitan encouraged.
It was his friend’s birthday so he had to pay him a visit. Later that evening, Timothy requested a good place where he could celebrate Micheal, and Uncle Dayo’s bar was recommended. The celebration went well but Timothy couldn’t get his eyes off the Damsel who served their drinks.
He really needed to settle down but he wasn’t sure with whom. He wasn’t certain getting married to Kemi was right because God hadn’t spoken to him about her. He had prayed and fasted severally for God to lead him to the right woman. When he saw Rebecca; there was something that made him yearn earnestly for her.
“Whosoever finds a wife, has found a good thing and obtains favor from me.”
He kept praying for direction and these words were whispered thrice into his ears, one morning, after praying earnestly all night about Rebecca. He was convinced God had approved their union. Oh what joy and satisfaction he felt, when He heard from his heavenly father!
Timothy kept visiting the bar until he struck good communication with Rebecca. Indeed they were meant for each other. He felt complete instantly.
“Who is she and where is she from, Is her family well known?” Mrs Bukola asked angrily when Timothy broke the news of his marriage intentions to Rebecca with his mother.
“She’s an orphan but she lives with her uncle and his family.” Timothy explained.
“Where did you meet her because I perceive in my spirit that you’ve been bewitched by that evil girl. Look at how my precious son wants to ruin his life!” Mrs. Bukola flared.
“Please stop mom! She’s an angel. I met her at her uncle’s bar when I went to visit Micheal.”
“Bar? I said it! I knew she’s a prostitute the moment you mentioned her name. God showed me this day clearly. Thank you Jesus!”
“You’re kidding right? As a matter of fact I’m getting married to her. God told me she’s my wife during my time of prayer.”
“You must be out of your mind Timothy! What then happens to Kemi? That well mannered Holy ghost filled lady. A lioness in the spirit. You wouldn’t dare ditch her for a prostitute!” Mrs Bukola fired.
“I’m sorry mom, but it won’t work. I don’t know the arrangement you made with her parents. Kemi and I aren’t compatible, besides God told me she’s not my wife. I cannot go against his will to satisfy yours.”
“What do you mean you’re not compatible? Your father and I were never compatible but we still got married and we had a beautiful union until God called him home. Compatibility isn’t an excuse. You better make it work because you must marry her and that’s final!”
“I should be on my way mom, I have work tomorrow.” Timothy said as he stormed out of her living room angrily.