During the live eviction show on Sunday, the renowned host of the popular reality show, Ebuka Obi-Uchendu, announced the eviction of three Big Brother Naija All Stars housemates, namely Neo, Whitemoney and Sholzy.
This news came as a shock to the viewers and fans of the show who had grown attached to these contestants.
The evicted housemates were part of the six housemates who were up for possible eviction.
READ ALSO: https://thecrux.org.ng/bbnaija-all-stars-whitemoney-gets-evicted-from-house/
The other three contestants who were not evicted were Alex, Ceec, and Adekunle, while Mercy and Ilebaye were also up for eviction.
This latest eviction follows the exit of Doyin and KimOprah from the show in the previous week.