Yakubu Dogara, a former House of Representatives Speaker, delivered a compelling message at the 2024 Tarok Cultural Festival. He positioned unity as the cornerstone of Nigeria’s success, arguing that a unified nation is an unstoppable force capable of realizing its full potential.
Dogara challenged the misconception of diversity as a weakness. Instead, he framed it as a wellspring of strength, comparing Nigeria’s diverse populace to a thriving ecosystem where various species coexist symbiotically. Each ethnic group, like a unique species, contributes its talents, traditions, and perspectives to the national fabric. A unified Nigeria leverages this rich tapestry to achieve its goals.
Dogara cautioned against the perils of division, drawing historical parallels. He cited the Roman Empire’s fall due to internal conflict and the ethnoreligious strife that has plagued Plateau State. His message was clear: disunity can dismantle nations, communities, and even the Tarok people themselves. A house divided against itself cannot stand, and a nation fractured by internal discord cannot hope to achieve greatness.
Dogara urged Nigerians to actively pursue peace and unity. He implored the Tarok people to become ambassadors of peace, fostering unity within their community and radiating it outward to Plateau State and all of Nigeria. Overcoming prejudice and building bridges of understanding are essential steps towards a more unified nation. Nigerians must recognize their common humanity and shared goals, transcending ethnic or religious differences to work together for the betterment of all.
Dogara commended the festival organizers’ initiative to establish a community university. He recognized education as the key to individual and societal development in the modern world, underscoring the importance of knowledge and self-improvement for a brighter future. An educated citizenry is empowered to make informed decisions, participate actively in democracy, and contribute meaningfully to the nation’s progress. The establishment of a community university in Tarok Land is a critical step towards creating a more knowledgeable and empowered Tarok population, able to contribute more effectively to the development of their community and Nigeria as a whole.
Senator Simon Lalong, represented at the event, echoed the call for unity. He applauded the festival’s theme, “Tarok Unity in Diversity: Our Culture, Our Identity,” underlining the importance of unity for all communities.
Danjuma Sheni, President of the Tarok Development Association, urged politicians to prioritize the well-being and progress of their communities. He called for a shift away from divisive politics and towards initiatives that empower the Tarok people and revitalize their land.
Shengi further expressed strong support for the establishment of a community university, highlighting the need for expanded educational opportunities within the Tarok community.
The Tarok Cultural Festival became a platform for a powerful message of unity, not just for the Tarok people, but for all Nigerians. By embracing their diversity and working together, the nation can surmount challenges and reach its full potential. A unified Nigeria, leveraging the strengths of its diverse population, is a nation poised for greatness.