Ukraine reported a temporary suspension of access to several chatbots by messaging platform Telegram, on Monday. These chatbots, essential for Ukrainian security services, facilitated the collection of crucial information on Russia’s military operations.
In a statement released shortly after midnight via Telegram itself, Ukraine’s military intelligence agency (GUR) announced that the Dubai-based app, founded by Russian-born Pavel Durov, had blocked several Ukrainian bots critical to countering Russia’s invasion. These bots, frequently automated features within the app, played a vital role in Ukraine’s defence efforts. They enabled users to both submit and request information, empowering everyday citizens to participate in the fight against Russian aggression. Importantly, some Ukrainian government bots allowed citizens to report the locations of Russian troops and equipment stationed within Ukraine, providing valuable intelligence to Ukrainian forces.
The GUR condemned Telegram’s actions, asserting that they had “unreasonably blocked several official bots that have opposed Russia’s military aggression against Ukraine.” These bots, developed and maintained by Ukrainian security services, served a critical function in gathering intelligence and coordinating the national response to the invasion.
Fortunately, Ukraine’s Center for Strategic Communication confirmed by morning that the three affected bots, utilized by the country’s security service (SBU), military intelligence (GUR), and digital ministry, were functioning again.
While Telegram remained tight-lipped on specifics, a spokesperson explained that the bots were “temporarily disabled due to a false positive but have since been reinstated.”
This incident comes on the heels of news from last week, where Telegram founder Durov disclosed receiving an official request from Apple regarding potential modifications to “general news and propaganda” channels accessible to Ukrainian users. He underscored the company’s ongoing policy of banning accounts and bots that collect targeting information for attacks or incite violence by sharing personal details.
Telegram persists as a vital platform for information access in both Ukraine and Russia, providing unfiltered updates on the war. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy utilizes Telegram for his daily video addresses, while the armed forces leverage it to warn citizens of airstrikes and communicate battlefield developments. The platform’s open nature has made it a battleground for information as well, with both sides disseminating propaganda and messaging. However, Telegram’s ability to function largely unrestricted has proven essential for Ukrainians seeking unfiltered information about the conflict and for coordinating their resistance efforts.