Tomiko Itooka, a remarkable 115-year-old woman, residing in the western region of Japan’s Hyogo prefecture, has been recognized as the oldest living person in Japan, following the recent passing of the previous titleholder.
The Japanese government made this announcement on Wednesday, lauding her longevity and celebrating her life.
Born in Osaka on May 23, 1908, Itooka took the title of the oldest living person in Japan after Fusa Tatsumi, a 116-year-old woman living in Osaka prefecture, passed away due to old age on Tuesday, as confirmed by the Ministry of Health, Labour, and Welfare.
According to a reliable source, when Itooka first entered a nursing home in Ashiya, Hyogo prefecture, in 2019, she was still able to move around independently, which is a testament to her remarkable health and vitality.
However, as she has grown older, she now requires assistance and is escorted in a wheelchair to take her meals in the living room.
Despite her age, Itooka remains an inspiration to many for her longevity and the way she has lived her life.