Ifunanya Miracle, a beloved recent graduate of Nnamdi Azikiwe University’s Department of Quantity Surveying, known to many as Bliss, tragically lost her life on June 9th, 2024. The incident occurred on the university premises in Awka, Anambra State, leaving the campus community shaken.
Miracle, who also ran a Point-of-Sale (PoS) business on campus, was reportedly returning home with a friend, Peace (a student in the Department of Pure and Industrial Chemistry), when the events unfolded. While details remain unclear, it appears a passenger on their tricycle attempted to take their belongings.
According to a student who wished to remain anonymous, Miracle and Peace attempted to escape the situation by jumping out of the moving vehicle.
The student said,
“Miracle just graduated from the university and does a Point-of-Sale operation in the school. The incident happened around 7 pm on June 9, 2024. She does her PoS business at the front of my residence.
“She usually packed her business stuff under the staircase in our compound and the stuff is still there. She packed it and put it back there in the evening. But all of a sudden, we just heard that she was dead.
“We were like how; she still dropped her stuff under the staircase of our compound on Monday. From what we gathered, she was on a moving tricycle with her friend when a fellow passenger, ordered them to give him their phones.
“While trying to escape, Miracle jumped out of the tricycle and hit her head on the road and by the time she was rushed to the hospital, she had died. Her friend, who also jumped out of the tricycle sustained injuries and she is still in hospital.”
Peace sustained injuries and was rushed to the Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu University Teaching Hospital. However, Miracle tragically struck her head during the fall and succumbed to her injuries.
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The incident has sparked outrage among students, with many questioning the actions of the alleged prankster. While the university spokesperson, Dr. Emmanuel Ojukwu, maintains it was a prank, some students believe it may have been a robbery attempt disguised after the fatal outcome.
Dr. Ojukwu confirmed that the individual involved, a final-year student, will face disciplinary action following Miracle’s burial. He also revealed that the families of those involved have reached an agreement, with the prankster’s family taking responsibility for Miracle’s funeral expenses and Peace’s medical bills.
The university has expressed its deep regret for the incident, urging students to avoid such reckless pranks in the future. This tragedy serves as a stark reminder of the potential consequences of impulsive actions.