The tragic and unexpected demise of Nigerian singer, Ilerioluwa Aloba, known popularly as Mohbad, has prompted the Lagos State Police Command to form a 13-man special investigation team.
The team has been delegated with the task of uncovering the mysterious circumstances surrounding the untimely death of the former Marlian Records signee.
During a press conference on Monday, the Lagos State Commissioner, Idowu Owohunwa said that the police will use all available resources to bring the perpetrators to justice.
He emphasized that the command has unique access to INTERPOL and will not rest until everyone involved in the case has been identified and brought to account for their actions.
Mohbad’s passing has caused an outpouring of grief in the Nigerian music industry, with Naira Marley, the owner of Marlian Records, expressing his sorrow and describing Mohbad as more than just an artiste or signee, but as a dear friend and brother.
The investigation team will work tirelessly to uncover the truth and bring justice to Mohbad’s family and loved ones.