Peter Okoye, known as one half of the iconic duo P-SQUARE, has penned a heartfelt open letter to his brother, Paul Okoye, also known as Rudeboy. In the letter, Peter addresses the ongoing tensions between the two, expressing his deep disappointment in how their relationship and public image have deteriorated.
Peter begins by reassuring Paul that he is not in competition with him or anyone else, but he feels hurt by Paul’s constant discrediting of his contributions to P-SQUARE. He mentions that Paul has often claimed credit for 99% of the group’s songs, including their success and failures. Peter specifically refers to their song “EjeaJo,” which he wrote, and was publicly criticized by Paul, who dismissed it as a failure.
Peter lists several other P-SQUARE hits, such as “Get-Squared,” “Bizzy Body,” “Personally,” “Roll It,” “Temptation,” “Alingo,” and more, questioning whether these were also considered failures. He notes that while he always referred to the group as “we” and “us” in interviews, Paul has consistently used “I” and “me,” making it seem as though Peter’s contributions were nonexistent.
He reflects on the fact that neither of them is the most talented artist in the world but believes that God blessed them with talent and a second chance after their previous breakup. Instead of capitalizing on that chance, Peter feels that Paul has turned P-SQUARE, once Africa’s most awarded and celebrated music group, into a laughingstock.
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Peter emphasizes that the magic of P-SQUARE came from their combined efforts, which fans adored. He expresses frustration that Paul seems more interested in claiming credit and marginalizing him, rather than working together to reclaim their place at the top of the music industry.
Peter also criticizes Paul for constantly belittling him, disrespecting his wife and family, and siding with their brother Jude during conflicts. He accuses Paul of trying to turn fans against him by portraying him as jealous and ungrateful.
In a powerful conclusion, Peter warns Paul that despite his efforts, the fans will not hate him alone; instead, they will hate both brothers for disappointing and failing them. He ends the letter by wishing Paul the best and addressing those who have believed the false narratives about him, understanding that they have been misled.
Peter’s open letter reveals the deep pain and frustration he feels about the current state of their relationship and the impact it has had on their once united fanbase.