The ensuing feud between the Edo State Governor, Godwin Obaseki and his deputy, Philip Shaibu took an unexpected turn on Monday following the decision of the governor to lock out his estranged deputy from the Government House.
Shaibu was astounded when he got to his office Monday and found that the gate to the office of the deputy governor and the main entrance leading to the storey building was locked with chains and heavy padlocks.
Meanwhile he and his aides reportedly made several efforts to reach the governor while waiting for over one hour.
An aide to the deputy governor who made the pictures available to the public under anonymity revealed that his principal had some discussions with the Commissioner of Police and the Director, State Services, alerting them of how he was locked out from his office.
According to him, there was no prior official communication to the effect that the deputy governor’s office had been locked.
Shaibu, having noticed the barred office, summoned the Camp Commandant at the Government House, SP Ibrahim Babatunde, to inquire about the locked office.
“He said it was a directive from above adding that the CSO in the government house, Wabba will be in a better position to explain”, the aide said.
Shaibu afterwards called Wabba, who after promising to come to the scene, failed to do so while the deputy governor waited.