A tragic incident occurred during a military training exercise in Malaysia, claiming the lives of all ten people onboard two helicopters that collided mid-air. The incident took place during a rehearsal for the navy’s upcoming open day, where several helicopters were flying low in formation. One helicopter reportedly clipped the tail rotor of another, causing both vehicles to spiral out of control and crash.
Suhaimy Mohamad Suhail, a senior official with the fire and rescue department, confirmed the fatalities, stating that “the helicopters collided in flight training.” Unfortunately, all ten individuals on board were pronounced dead by medical officers.
Disturbing footage circulating online appears to show the incident as it unfolded. The Malaysian authorities identified the helicopters involved as a Eurocopter AS555SN Fennec and an AgustaWestland AW139. The Eurocopter model was left in a mangled state on the stadium track, surrounded by emergency personnel. The AgustaWestland crashed in a separate area near the naval base’s swimming pool.
The Prime Minister of Malaysia, Anwar Ibrahim, expressed deep condolences to the families of the victims. “The nation grieves over this heartbreaking tragedy,” he stated. “An immediate investigation led by the Ministry of Defense, specifically the Royal Malaysian Navy, is underway to determine the cause of the crash.”
Unfortunately, helicopter accidents are not unheard of in Malaysia. Just last month, a Coast Guard helicopter crashed in the Strait of Malacca, fortunately without causing any casualties. However, a 2016 crash involving a Eurocopter AS350 tragically claimed the life of a deputy minister and other passengers onboard.