Panic gripped the bustling Isale Eko district of Lagos, Nigeria, as a man believed to be grappling with mental illness allegedly snatched five children. The incident, which sent shockwaves online, unfolded within the FOLUMO community security zone.
A bystander who captured the aftermath on video described the suspect’s behaviour as erratic and unsettling. The woman claimed the man intended to sell the children for a profit, targeting around N50,000 each for a total of N250,000. Her harrowing account, echoing the fears of many parents, highlighted the vulnerability of children in public spaces.
Fortunately, the video showcases the power of community. Alerted to the abduction, eyewitnesses and neighbours joined forces to track down the suspect. The footage depicts the man surrounded by a determined group of people, presumably leading to the safe return of the children. The swift and coordinated response by the community is a testament to the importance of local vigilance in protecting children.
The specifics of the apprehension and the children’s condition remain unknown.