Four-year-old Miguel Ovoke, a student at Brickhall School in Abuja, tragically passed away on April 24, 2024. The news has shaken the school community and left Miguel’s family devastated.
According to a medical report from Excel Specialist Hospital, Abuja, Miguel choked on a piece of meat while eating lunch at school.
The report, signed by Dr. Akinwande Ajayi, stated that upon arrival at the hospital, Miguel was unresponsive with fixed and dilated pupils.
Despite the efforts of the medical team, resuscitation attempts were unsuccessful and Miguel was pronounced dead.
Brickhall School released a statement expressing their deepest condolences to Miguel’s family.
The statement highlights the immediate response of the school’s trained nurse who rushed Miguel to the hospital.
The school has also made the difficult decision to close its doors for a week to allow the school community time to mourn and grieve.
The school emphasized the importance of respecting Miguel’s memory with dignity and peace during this difficult time.
Brickhall School is requesting that everyone connected to the tragedy allow medical professionals and law enforcement agencies to complete their investigations, including an autopsy, before concluding.
Miguel’s death is a heart-wrenching loss for his family, friends, and the entire Brickhall School community.
The school’s decision to close for a week allows space for students, teachers, and parents to grieve together and reflect on Miguel’s bright spirit.