Kalanchoe pinnata, also known as the “miracle leaf” or “life plant,” is a succulent plant with potential health benefits. It’s commonly used in traditional medicine for its purported healing properties. While the juice of Kalanchoe pinnata is said to have various health benefits, it’s essential to use it cautiously and consult with a healthcare professional, as it can have side effects and interactions with certain medications.
Struggling with how to extract it’s juice? Do this.
Ingredients and Equipment:
Fresh Kalanchoe pinnata leaves
Place choice Kalanchoe pinnata in a pot
Place pot on a stove or desired burner
Make sure your heat is regulated to minimum
Allow to heat for 1-2 minutes
Take leaves out and squeeze with hands over an empty bowl.
Ingredients and Equipment:
Fresh Kalanchoe pinnata leaves
Sharp knife or scissors
Blender or food processor
Cheesecloth or fine-mesh strainer
Clean glass jar or container with a lid
Choose Fresh Leaves: Select healthy and mature leaves from your Kalanchoe pinnata plant. Look for leaves that are free from damage or disease.
Harvest the Leaves: Use a sharp knife or scissors to carefully cut the leaves from the plant. You can choose a few leaves at a time, depending on how much juice you want to extract. Be cautious not to damage the plant in the process.
Clean the Leaves: Rinse the harvested leaves under cold, running water to remove any dirt, dust, or potential contaminants. Pat them dry with a clean cloth or paper towel.
Remove the Spines: Kalanchoe pinnata leaves typically have small spines along their edges. You can trim these spines off if you prefer not to include them in your juice.
Chop the Leaves: Using a sharp knife, chop the cleaned leaves into smaller pieces. This will make it easier to blend.
Blend the Leaves: Place the chopped Kalanchoe pinnata leaves in a blender or food processor. Add a small amount of water to help with blending, but avoid adding too much water, as you want the juice to be concentrated. Blend until you have a smooth, green paste.
Strain the Juice: Lay a piece of cheesecloth or use a fine-mesh strainer over a clean glass jar or container. Pour the blended kalanchoe pinnata mixture through the strainer, allowing the juice to drip into the container. You may need to press down on the pulp with a spoon to extract all the juice.
Store the Juice: Once you’ve extracted the juice, transfer it to a clean glass container with a lid. Seal the container and store it in the refrigerator. Make sure to label it with the date of extraction.
Don’t forget to use with Caution: Kalanchoe pinnata juice is potent and should be used sparingly. Consult with a healthcare professional before incorporating it into your diet, as it may have side effects or interactions with medications. Do not use it as a replacement for prescribed medications.
Monitor for Side Effects: If you decide to consume the juice, start with a small amount and monitor your body’s response. Discontinue use if you experience any adverse effects.
Remember that Kalanchoe pinnata juice should be used with caution, and its potential health benefits should be discussed with a healthcare provider, especially if you have underlying health conditions or under medications.