In a heartbreaking case of domestic violence, Taiwo Abodunde was murdered by her husband, Olubunmi, in their UK home. The couple, who had three children, had a troubled relationship marked by accusations of infidelity and a history of domestic violence.
Olubunmi Abodunde, 48, had been investigated by Suffolk Police for domestic abuse incidents before. Despite being barred by court order from the family home following a recent episode, he returned and attacked his 41-year-old wife, Taiwo.
The details are harrowing. Police responded to the scene after hearing a series of loud bangs but were delayed in entering the residence. This delay is now under investigation by the Independent Office of Police Conduct. When they finally gained access, they found Taiwo dead with horrific injuries. An autopsy revealed she had been strangled, then subjected to blunt force trauma, and finally beaten with their son’s skateboard. The brutality of the attack was evident from the damage to the skateboard.
Taiwo, a care home assistant, had seemingly built a life for herself in the UK. Her husband, Olubunmi, however, struggled to find work in his chosen field of civil engineering. He resorted to taking shifts at Tesco and Wickes. This financial disparity may have been a further source of tension in their relationship.
Olubunmi Abodunde faces life imprisonment for his crime. While he attempted to claim self-defense, citing an alleged past incident where Taiwo attacked him with a knife, the overwhelming evidence points to a final act of violence in a long history of abuse.
This tragedy serves as a stark reminder of the devastating consequences of domestic violence. If you or someone you know is experiencing abuse, help is available. There are resources and organizations that can provide support and safety. You are not alone.