Iyanda Damilola, a young Nigerian who was serving as a member of the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC), was reportedly shot and killed by a police officer named Saheed, who goes by the nickname “SARS”. The incident occurred during a late-night gathering in Ogbomoso, Oyo State, which was organized to celebrate the convocation of students at Ladoke Akintola University of Technology (LAUTECH).
According to eyewitness accounts, the shooting took place outside a lounge where the after-party was being held. The details of what led to the shooting are still unclear, but Damilola was shot in the head and died from his injuries. His brother, Iyanda Oluwafemi, who was also in attendance, was injured by gunfire as well.
Oluwafemi alleges that Saheed and other police officers fired directly into the crowd to disperse a fight. Oluwafemi, who had just attended his convocation ceremony, condemned the actions of the police and called for justice for his brother’s death.
The Oyo State Police Public Relations Officer has confirmed that an investigation is underway and has promised to provide updates on the case. However, the incident has sparked outrage among Nigerians, who have taken to social media to condemn the actions of the police officers involved. Many have called for a thorough investigation and punishment for those responsible.
The fact that Saheed’s nickname is “SARS” has made the incident even more sensitive, as it evokes the now-defunct Special Anti-Robbery Squad, which was accused of numerous cases of police brutality before it was disbanded in October 2020.