In a surprising turn of events during the ongoing Season 9 of the BBNaija reality TV show, two pairs of housemates Streeze and Flourish were evicted on Sunday night. The eviction came as both pairs received the fewest points from the three nominated pairs.
This latest twist unfolds just three weeks into the season, which has been aptly named ‘No Loose Guard.’ Earlier, the reigning Custodian Challenge winners, WaniXHandi, used their victory to save the Beta duo from eviction, leaving Streeze, Flourish, and the Radicals to rely on their housemates’ votes. This marks the first instance in the current season where two pairs have been evicted on the same night, showcasing Biggie’s latest twist in the game.
To date, four pairs—equating to eight housemates—have been evicted from the show, including the earlier departure of Tami and Ndi Nne. With a grand prize of ₦100 million, which includes a cash prize, an SUV, and additional sponsored rewards, the stakes are high as the show enters its fourth week. The season is set to conclude with a thrilling finale on Sunday, October 6, 2024.