“If you don’t know history, it’s as if you were born yesterday. If you were born yesterday then any leader can tell you anything.” Howard Zinn, American historian
1. France and the United Kingdom sign the Entente cordiale
On this day in history in 1904, France and the United Kingdom signed the Entete cordiale. The treaty, which was initially designed to regulate the countries’ colonial interests in Africa, later evolved into the Triple Entente to fight Germany in World War I.
2. Jomo Kenyatta is sentenced to 7 years hard labor
On this day in history in 1953, Jomo Kenyatta was sentenced to 7 years imprisonment with hard labor. Kenyatta led the Mau Mau movement against the British colonialists. He is considered to be Kenya’s founding father and became the country’s first President in 1964.
3. One of the first modern programming languages was created
On this day in history in 1959, the first modern programming language was created. The Common Business-Oriented Language or COBOL was primarily designed by a woman, Grace Hopper. Also known as Amazing Grace, she is regarded as one of the pioneers in the field.
4. The Clash released their debut album of the same name
On this day in history in 1977, the clash released their debut album of the same name. The British combo around lead vocalist Joe Strummer is considered one of the most influential early punk rock bands.
5. Over 4 million people pay their last respects to Pope John Paul II
On this day in history in 2005, over 5 million people payed their last respect to Pope John Paul II. Karol Józef Wojtyła from Poland was an immensely popular Pope. He was succeeded by German Pope Benedict XVI, born by Joseph Aloisius Ratzinger.