The Actors Guild of Nigeria (AGN) has announced a day of mourning for the Nigerian film industry. In light of the devastating loss of Junior Pope and three other crew members, who lost their lives in a boat accident on the Anam River in Anambra, the AGN has declared Thursday a “No Shoot Day” for all Nollywood filmmakers. The incident occurred on the set of the movie “The Other Side of Life,” produced by Adamma Luke. Emeka Rollas, the National President of the AGN, expressed his condolences and stated that all films that involve riverine areas and boat riding are to be suspended indefinitely.
Moreover, the AGN has suspended the production of “The Other Side of Life” until further notice. Additionally, no actor is permitted to work with Adamma Luke until the search for the remaining bodies is concluded. The AGN has called on all filmmakers nationwide to adhere to the “No Shoot Day” in honour of the departed crew members and to show solidarity with the families affected by this tragedy. The AGN has expressed its deepest condolences to the families of the deceased, and may their souls rest in peace.