Family of Four Perishes in Overnight Blaze
In a devastating incident, a fire in Sokoto metropolis has resulted in the tragic loss of four lives. Among the deceased are the daughter of Muhammad Bello Sifawa, the Secretary to the State Government of Sokoto, and her three children.
Survivor Reports
The only survivor of the fire was the husband, Muhammadu Yusuf Bello, who is also the Permanent Secretary of the Sokoto State Ministry of Sports and Youth Development. The fire engulfed their entire 6-bedroom flat while the family was asleep, leaving no escape.
Fire Service Response
Despite the efforts of the state fire service, the fire had already consumed the home by the time they arrived, rendering their intervention ineffective.
Community Mourning
The bodies of the victims were prepared for burial at the Sheikh Shehu Usmanu Danfodiyo Mosque in Sifawa, the ancestral home of the SSG. The community and state officials have come together in mourning, with the state deputy governor, Idris Mohammed Gobir, members of the state executive council, APC stalwarts, friends, and well-wishers gathering to offer condolences and participate in the burial rites.