A tragic incident occurred at the Zoological Garden of the Olusegun Obasanjo Presidential Library (OOPL) in Abeokuta on September 28, 2024, leading to the death of a 35-year-old lion handler, Babaji Daule, from Bauchi State. Daule, a trained lion handler, was fatally attacked by a lion after forgetting to secure the locks and barricades of the lion’s enclosure.
According to reports from the Area Commander Metro, the negligence allowed the lion to escape its cage while Daule was preparing to feed the animal. The lion immediately attacked the handler, inflicting severe injuries to his neck. Despite attempts to rescue him, the injuries proved fatal, and Daule was pronounced dead.
Emergency personnel transported the victim’s body to the mortuary at Ijaye General Hospital. To prevent further danger, authorities shot the lion to release its grip on the handler.
This shocking event highlights the grave risks associated with handling wild animals and underscores the importance of strict safety protocols in zoos and animal facilities.
Further investigations are expected to determine how such a lapse in safety procedures occurred.