In a surprising turn of events, Rishi Sunak has announced his resignation as the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. This decision comes amidst the backdrop of Labour’s landslide victory in the general election, marking the end of the Conservative Party’s 14-year tenure in power.
Addressing the nation early Friday morning, Sunak acknowledged the election night as a “difficult night” for his party and extended his congratulations to Keir Starmer, leader of the Labour Party, for securing victory.
“As of today, the Labour Party has won this general election,” Sunak stated in his broadcast, highlighting the peaceful transition of power that will follow. “I take full responsibility for our loss and apologize to the British people. We will ensure a smooth transition that upholds the stability and future of our country.”
Sunak, who assumed office in 2022, expressed gratitude for the opportunity to serve as Prime Minister and vowed to support the incoming government’s efforts in leading the nation forward.